
My Notes on Albert Einstein Ideas (As Presented by This Documentary)

(In this post, I talk about different ideas I have about Albert Einstein's thoughts. These ideas either expand Einstein's thoughts or tries to poke holes in them. This comes from my not unlimited knowledge, in that, I am unsure if others have had the same ideas as myself. Some places I don't add my ideas, but just reiterate what the documentary said.)

Albert Einstein Documentary on Youtube

Notes: This is in the early rough draft stages and is not really about the film. I could write at least 5-10 times at much for all the information I know and can think of for this particular topic of space-time. The main purpose for mentioning the film is because it is a great source of mostly unbiased knowledge and it doesn't try to push misinformation. I watched a NOVA video after this and it was full of misinformation, seemed like it was published just for naive public and to generate hype/views.

0:52 - "[Einstein] would watch the [compass] needle point Northward, it would send chills down his spine."

1:06 -  "Einstein wanted an equation ... that would encapsulate all physical laws."

6:22 - "Einstein was riding on a bus ... he imagined what if that bus was racing towards the speed of light. ... as he reaches the speed of light the hands on the clock can no longer catch up to him. The faster he races through space, the slower he moves through time."

This was definitely a great insight. But, I never hear about time from the other perspective. What if Einstein was racing towards a clock. Then, from his perspective, the faster he races through space, the faster the light from the hands of the clock reach him, thus the appearance of time speeding up.

Questions to consider:
 - What speed would one have to be approaching a clock to make the hands of said clock appear to be going twice as fast? It's not infinity. Simple math should be able to solve this.
 - How fast would the hands of the clock appear as one is approaching said clock at the speed of light? My thought is that it is infinity speed, but not in the sense of a max number. It would be the type of infinity that has a limit or a rate limit because there is definitely a specific point in time that one would reach the clock. Another way to describe this is, "all at once, spread out over a period of time". (NOTE: I need to write an example here.)

Thought experiment: Imagine if you are inside a box and moving at a really fast constant speed (in a straight line), perhaps around 2.99*10^8 m/s (2.99e8 m/s). Assuming light can travel faster than that, if you were wearing a wristwatch (that works accurately at these speeds), then you should be able to see the time, and the clock should appear regular to you. Now, I want you to consider three other points in space. (1) Where you came from. (2) Where you are going. (3) A point travelling parallel to you, this point has two subpoints that I will get to later.
So, at a basic level: (I need an entirely different, addition paper to write about the intricacies of what could actually physically be seen. This basic level is basically just a metaphor for what state would exist linking two points.)
1.1. A person at point (1) would see your clock appearing as frozen in time.
1.2. A clock at point (1) would appear frozen in time to you.

2.1.1. If light had a top speed of 3.0e8 m/s, then a person at point (2) would not be able to see your clock until you were right on top of them.
2.1.2. If light from your clock was travelling at 3.0e8 m/s away from you in all directions, then a person at point (2) would eventually see a sped up time coming from you.
2.2. A clock at point (2) would appear sped up.

3.0. There are clocks at two points to consider that are travelling parallel to you. If the clock distance is close enough to you, then you should be able to see the clock and read the time. But, if the parallel clock point that is a light-year distance away, then you would have to stay in the same spot for a year in order to see that clock. But, you are moving, so you wouldn't be able to see or read the clock. Also, if the clock travelling parallel to you was at a light-second away, then you would also not see it. (NOTE: It requires some more thinking and some simple math to figure out about how far you would be able to see a clock travelling parallel to you at 2.99e8 m/s)

7:02 - "Special Theory of Relativity, that speed and time are connected, are one and the same, space-time."

13:01 - "Einstein realized that his theory failed for accelerations."

16:08 - Planck to Einstein: "You can work on gravity if you want to, but there are two problems. You're not going to be successful, the problem is too hard. And if you do nobody will believe you."

16:36 - "What you and I would call daydreaming, Einstein gets to call it a thought experiment."

~20:00 - Einstein's relationship with his first-cousin.

~25:00 - Einstein needing to prove light bends, calls out to astrophysicists.

~30:30 - Germany wants all the best scientists of the day, including Einstein.

~37:00 - Einstein divorces wife, bets his unknown Nobel prize futures.

~39:00 - World War 1 begins. Lot of suspense on getting proof needed for Einstein. Spoiler: Two expeditions that went out failed to gather data.

~47:00 - Einstein now thinks the failed expeditions are good rather than setbacks.

~52:00 - A physicist wants to try to race/beat Einstein to publish the General Theory of Relativity.

~54:00 - Einstein returns a solution he thought of three years prior.

~56:00 - Einstein is overjoyed when he finally feels that he has the right equation.

~59:00 - Einstein starts to feel effects of WW1.

~1:07:00 - Talks about Einstein and how specific the proof had to be in order to work.

~1:16:30 - Results announced. One expedition says yes, other says no.

~1:19:00 - Public excitement not the same as academic acceptance.

~1:23:00 - Full proof.


NOTE: All of my above comments/thoughts mainly assume that things can travel faster than 299,792,458 m/s (The speed of light in a vacuum). Also, mainly 1.1 to 3.0. I purposely mention the m/s speeds particular of 2.99e8 and 3.0e8 above.

~ Danial Goodwin ~

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