
Quora: Some Ideas For Living a Completely Different Lifestyle to Escape Monotony

Quora is possibly the best question and answer site.

I recently answered a question there with some ideas for living a completely different lifestyle to escape monotony. You should check it out. =]


~ Simply Advanced ~


The Study Of -Ology (Ologyology)

Anthropology: The study of humankind
Biology: The study of living organisms.
Oncology: The study and treatment of tumors.
Topology: The study of geometric properties.

Now, fill in the following:

Apology: The study of ...

~ Simply Advanced ~



I usually don't watch tv, but when I do for 42 minutes every week, it's all Psych.

Last two episodes were especially great! =D

~ Simply Advanced ~

How Lost Would People Be If There Was No Internet?

I'm talking about right now, if all the ISPs went down? This thinking question also involves not people able to use your phone for network connection as well.

What would you be doing if there was no Internet connection for a week? month?

~ Simply Advanced ~

Music of the Day: Big Rock Candy Mountain

This was a kids sing-a-long song when I first heard it in elementary school. I've recently thought of it again and found out that Big Rock Candy Mountain was first recorded by Harry McClintock in 1928. The original has lyrics not meant for children. Good thing Burl Ives re-recorded the song for children

  • "cigarette trees" are now "peppermint trees"
  • "streams of alcohol" become "streams of lemonade"

Only in the Big Rock Candy Mountain.

~ Simply Advanced ~


Periods and Commas Inside Quotations

I have written an open question to OWL Mail Tutors.

In America, a general rule to follow is to place periods and commas inside of quotations.
Ex: Many dream images were characterized as “raw,” “powerful,” and “evocative.”
Ex: To get to the next page, just press the little button marked "Enter."
In example one, the images were not really quoted as "raw-comma." That was not a choice on the theoretical multiple-choice test.
In the second example, the quote was "Enter.." But, now that I have used American markup, the reader thinks there are two periods after "Enter" instead of zero...

The only reasons I have been able to find why periods go inside quotations seems to be because "In the days when printing used raised bits of metal, '.' and ',' were the most delicate, and were in danger of damage (the face of the piece of type might break off from the body, or be bent or dented from above) if they had a '"' on one side and a blank space on the other. Hence the convention arose of always using '."' and ',"' rather than '".' and '",', regardless of logic" (http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/marks/quotation.htm#footnote).
A few other sources also mentions this, but I haven't been able to find the real source yet. Or, why, if this is the case, then why are we not migrating to something more logical (we, as in APA and whatever OWL is referencing too)?

 - Danial Goodwin -
Student, University of South Florida
ps - I published this question on my blog (
http://anonsage.blogspot.com/2013/04/periods-and-commas-inside-quotations.html) and am hoping for an answer. Possibly one that I can link back towards.

Feel free to comment. I will update when I receive a response.

~ Simply Advanced ~

Music Of The Month: Okay

It's been awhile since I've found an original song that I've really liked and think it's especially great how upbeat it is. I've actually known about this song for over a month now, but the true test of how catchy a song is, is time. The following songs won.

Okay by Marissa Smith

But, I was most entertained by lyrics and rhythm of her song "Like a Queen". It's awesome to hear the physically larger words, like "psychologically", "physiologically", "metaphorically", "comparisonly", "biologically", and "astronomically". And the change up in tempo is fantastic on the ears.

And, the people's choice award as determined by me would have to be "Without Mama" also by Marissa. It may the most relatable, and definitely humorous.

~ Simply Advanced ~


Acquired Savants

Another quote from the March 2013 issue of the great Popular Science magazine.
Acquired savants are perfect fodder for a society obsessed with self-improvement, reality television, and pop psychology.
You may draw your own conclusions by considering this to be a neutral post, just here for the spreading of some different perspectives.

~ Simply Advanced ~

Spiciness and the Scoville Heat Units

For the past two months I have been slowly training myself to handle more and more hot sauce.

Thanks to the March 2013 issue of Popular Science magazine, I now know how to measure my spiciness intake everyday.
Scientists measure peppers' firepower in Scoville heat units, based on the amount of dilution that kills the burn.
It appears that Tabasco sauce has a rating of 2,500 SHU, cayenne pepper 30,000 SHU, Habaneros 100,000 SHU, common pepper spray 2,000,000 SHU, police-grade pepper spray 5,300,000 SHU, and pure capsaicin tops out this list at 16,000,000 SHU.

Enjoy. =]

~ Simply Advanced ~


Read to Know, Read to Comprehend

I like analyzing, including things that most others would not care about. There is a difference between reading to know and reading to comprehend.

With our busy lives, we usually just have time to skim read so that we can move on to the next thing. Reading to know is a good thing when used at the right times.

If you are "learning"/reading about a topic related to your area of business or where you want to be considered an expert in, then you must read to comprehend. Read the information and the information that it links to.

~ Simply Advanced ~

ps - I got bored halfway though this and decided to make it much shorter that what it was originally going to be.

Eclipse GC Overhead Limit Exceeded

New Android developers post, specifically for Eclipse users.

If you have gotten the following errors, then it may be time for you to allocate more memory to Eclipse.

[2013-04-03 00:00:00 - Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: GC overhead limit exceeded
[2013-04-03 00:00:00 - OsmAnd] Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: GC overhead limit exceeded


~ Simply Advanced ~



(This is an entry that I made for my Social Psychology class that I'm currently taking. Feel free to reply to the topic also.)

"After reading chapter 36 ["Doing Gender as Resistance" by Dr. Chauntelle Anne Tibbals], describe how you either resist or accommodate social norms related to gender, class, race and ethnicity in everyday life."

When I learn of something that "everybody does" I may tend to not do, just to be different. Ex: When there is a loud noise, most people look in that direction. I may continue what I was doing or look in the opposite direction. Ex: When people are walking and remember they have to go the other way, many will check the time or look at their phone [read: to put on a show for others in case they are watching]. I just seemingly "randomly" turn around now after learning that.
And there are at least two other big things, but I can't think of them right now. So, in the meantime, here's some things off the top of my head that exemplify resisting to social norms.
- Sitting in different places in class most days
- Sitting sideways rather than perpetually facing forwards
- Ethnicity: Half-Japanese, but not caring much for sushi or anime.
- Race: Being half-Japanese, but not looking the part.

Examples of how I accommodate social norms:
- Gender: Not wearing skirts. Having very short hair.
- Class: I generally "act" "average". (This example accounts for 100s or 1000s of day-to-day activities performed)

ps - I always like to think assumption reversal, "what if the opposite of ?"

pps - I'm interested in learning if people in general more want to be similar or different.

~ Simply Advanced ~

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