
Japan's 9.0 Tsunami

Why is there no looting in Japan? http://goo.gl/mYlh6

The tsunami across the world and aftershocks: http://goo.gl/2U0eu



The Dance Assassin!

This is the Dance Assassin - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo1hW6_-d_Q
Urban Ninja =D

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Obesity Worries

Since I'm worried about getting obese. I kept track of Calories, fat, and Sodium today. Good thing I got two double cheese burgers and two cups of fries with lots of ketchup from Five Guys I can't count. I only got them because they were for free provided graciously because of the church Crosswinds at USF. Other than that and the two oatmeal creme pies. Here's my intake stats for the day:

    2075 Calories, 72g Fat = 110% DV Fat, and 4110mg Na = 175.5% DV Na.

I believe this is one of my best days because the past few days I have been eating 5-6 meals each day and that was barely enough. More eventually.

And today was only one hour of soccer and one hour of softball. I was planning an hour of racquetball and 2-3 hours of volleyball, but I have restrained myself. I have homework to do.
