I show two different ways to create a very code minimal blog. It also demonstrates the power of of Rails scaffolding.
Using scaffold
1. Just run the following commands one after another:
rails new quick-blog
cd quick-blog
rails generate scaffold post title:string body:text
rails generate scaffold comment post_id:integer body:text
rake db:migrate
2. To create a post or comment, make sure that the `rails server` is started. Then, in browser, navigate to `/posts/new` or `/comments`.
3. Done
Without using scaffold
1. Run `rails new very-minimal-blog`
2. Run `cd very-minimal-blog`, then `rake db:create`
3. Create the model for the posts: Run `rails generate model Post title:string body:text`
4. Run `rake db:migrate`
5. Create a controller for the posts: Run `rails generate controller Posts`
6. In that controller that was just created in `app/controllers/posts_controller.rb`, add some code so that it looks like the following:
class PostsController < ApplicationController
def index
@posts = Post.all
def show
@post = Post.find(params[:id])
7. In `app/views/posts/`, create a new file called `index.html.erb` and add the following code:
Very Minimal Blog
<% @posts.each do |post| %>
<%= post.title %>
<%= link_to "Read me", post_path(post) %>
<% end %>
8. Create a way to get to the posts. In `config/routes.rb` add, `resources :posts`
9. In `app/views/posts/`, create a new file called `show.html.erb` and add the following code:
<%= @post.title %>
<%= @post.body %>
10. Done. :)
## To create a blog post ##
1. Open Rails console by running `rails console`
2. Run `Post.create(title: "My Title", body: "This is my awesome blog post!")`
## To view the blog ##
1. Start the Rails server by running `rails server`
2. Navigate to `localhost:3000/posts`
~ Danial Goodwin ~
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