This walkthrough contains all the instructions I would have needed on one page, rather than looking through twenty different pages. This is a blunt how-to for connecting to a database with Laravel and displaying information. At the end are links for more specific and advanced info.
The following has explicit instructions and commands for a shared hosting provider like Bluehost, but the instructions should be the roughly the same for other providers and setups. I suggest to follow the steps explicitly the first time through, then run through it a second time with your specific project's names.
0. This simple "tutorial" assumes that you already know a little bit about Laravel and have possibly read my first install and setup walkthrough.
Setup the database:
1. Create a database on your server with a user and password.
2. From your root project folder, edit app/config/database.php to match your new database credentials.
3. In your root project directory, run php-cli artisan migrate:make create_users_table
4. You should now have the file that looks something like: app/database/migrations/2014_02_09_195357_create_users_table.php. Edit the up() and down() function to look like:
public function up()
Schema::create('users', function($table)
public function down()
5. Now, back in the project root dir, run: php-cli artisan migrate
6. At this time, your tables in the database will be automatically created. Add some data manually so that we can test that retrieving data works.
Create a view:
7. Create a route (subdirectory pointer) in app/routes.php by adding the following code:
Route::get('users', function()
$users = User::all();
return View::make('users')->with('users', $users);
Laravel Quickstart
Create the second view, called users.blade.php:
@foreach($users as $user)
{{ $user->name }}
9. Go to your and you should have all the user names from the database displayed on the page.
- If the php-cli command doesn't work for you, then try just php
More info:
More info:
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